Thursday, December 30, 2010

Seasons Greetings and a Happy New Year to All!

32 inches of snow - but a day after Christmas......

Can a business be sued if it does not clean its sidewalks or common areas on a weekend resulting in a slip and fall?

Yes and yes - get those shovels out!

Be safe and happy!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Health Insurers must justify rate increases of over 10% in 2011!

As published today, Health Insurers will have to provide justification for any increases to customers premiums of over 10%
Additionally, individual states will be able to reject said increases.

Another shot across the bows from the government as it attempts to win the hearts and minds of the people to Healthcare reform.................

Monday, December 20, 2010

Health Insurance Costs to increase by 25-30% in 2011!

Look out CFO's!

Already spiraling healthcare costs are sure to get worse as the insurance industry 'adjusts' or 'anticipates' the repercussions of healthcare reform.

Already broker transparacency - as imposed by the insurance carriers - has brokers panicing over how to stay competitive when they must now reveal their compensation levels.

Is this the pre-emptive salvo being fired by the carriers to placate the masses (you) as they come under criticism by pushing it back on to the broker?