Tuesday, November 15, 2011

They NEVER Told Me I Needed THAT Coverage!!

5 Coverage’s you never knew you needed – or knew were available:
1.       Product Recall - Withdrawal........Provides expense reimbursement coverage including both rebranding and, if necessary, disposal.
2.       Cyber-liability.......The most volatile exposure out there. Think Citi, Sony and more!
3.       Crisis Insurance.......Reputation recovery; Again a reaction to the world of social network defamation and allegation.
4.       Stock Throughput......All in one coverage for distributors and manufacturers.
5.       Trade Credit.....Insures accounts receivables and enhamces a company's ability to profit and grow!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Top 5 Reasons why I HIRED my Insurance Broker – Poll Results are IN!

Following up to my recent and very popular post on the 5 Reasons why I FIRED my Insurance Broker….
1.       Understood my business and its unique exposures – has many similar clients in my industry.
2.       Promoted a specialized program which addresses my cost and coverage needs.
3.       Provided innovative ideas and solutions – which my current broker did not – which focus on my priorities as an economic buyer. Illustrated how his/her Risk Management services and solutions could improve my risk profile.
4.       Developed relationship over time and became a trusted business advisor.
5.       Price, price, price!