Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Top 5 Workplace Injuries Causes Make Up to 72% of Overall Annual National Costs!

Workers Compensation claims continue to be the biggest expense to the US Employer - the following are the top five type of claims - regardless of industry.

1.       Over exertion:  Injuries from lifting, pushing, pulling, holding and carrying -  $12.75 Billion.
2.       Fall on ‘same level - $7.95 Billion.
3.       Fall to ‘lower level’ - $5.35 Billion.
4.       Bodily Reaction – Bending, climbing, reaching, standing, sitting, slipping, tripping  - $5.28 Billion.
5.       Struck by object - $4.64 Billion

Loss control, safety management, back to work programs, regular claims and reserve reviews can all assist in mitigating these costs.

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