Friday, April 27, 2012

What am I paying my Insurance Broker to do - 5 Key Questions to Consider!

Are you paying your insurance broker to merely place your insurance coverage with a carrier that provides the most contingent commission? Does he partner with you to dictate the price to the marketplace?

When conducting a program review – does your broker recommend coverage’s or endorsements to address ALL of your exposures? Does he truly understand the coverage’s you really need?

With the recent soft market and depressed premium pricing - is your insurance broker giving you all the services you need?  Or is he holding back to protect his margins?

Does your broker just want to save you premium to keep you happy for another year? Does he work to decrease your total cost of risk saving potentially missions of dollars to your bottom line - allowing you to Grow, hire and profit?

Does your broker partner with you to ensure you are in compliance contractually and efficient on the supply chain side?
Not sure on any of these - then we are at your service.

The World's Leading Broker - Aon.


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