Friday, June 8, 2012

"TeachMe" suit first under cyberfraud initiative.

In a federal lawsuit filed in New Jersey this week, the State Attorney General alleged that the developer of "TeachMe" apps has been collecting personal information about children and selling it without telling users or asking their parents for their consent.

The "TeachMe" apps let children post pictures of themselves and they are some of the most popular educational games of their kind.

Mobile devices typically can capture and transmit a wealth of personal information about users including their identities and even their geographic location.

This personal information is primarily used for subliminal marketing purposes - who hasn't seen an offer from a coffee or retail chain on their phone or email. However, when it comes to children their can be unfortunately a more sinister motive.

Technology companies who create apps - or use them in their operating systems - typically purchase coverages to respond to Mobile or Geolocation claims; All based on privacy and data protection.

Technology Errors & Omissions policies - manuscripted correctly - also can respond to such allegations or claims.

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